Goodies and other stuff...

My Sec. 5 Cartoon project (in French): This is a comic strip I had to do during my high school years (in secondary 5, equivalent to grade 11 elsewhere) as a "creation" project. It's in French, so you might want to bone up on that first... The story isn't great either, as my art teacher wanted me to put some elements I didn't want in the strip, but now I'm free!!! These are just the scanned pictures from a little booklet I made for the strip, everything is also colored by hand... so it took a helluva lotta time to make...

Lord of The Rings mini-comic: A little strip about a big movie. (Caution: absurd humor!)

"Newscasting after Sept. 11th" mini-comic: I don't mean that what happened isn't bad, it's just that the media can be annoying sometimes.


Probably more stuff will be added here eventually... just not now...